The Liberation group for Jewish members of the Green Party
We offer advice and guidance to local and regional parties and Green Party bodies on issues that matter to Jewish members of the Green Party and to the Jewish community as a whole.
We are the first port of call within the Party for information about Jewish belief and practice, and a point of contact for Jewish communal organisations outside the Green Party. Sign up now
What do we do
Support for Jewish Green Party members
We are a space for Jews within the Green Party to come together, to meet, to educate ourselves and others, and to organise.
We can offer advice to local parties and Green Party bodies on Jewish belief and practice, and raise awareness of other Jewish issues, for example genetic conditions affecting Jewish people.
Get in touch to learn more: chair@jewishgreens.greenparty.org.uk
Community outreach
We are the first point of contact for Jewish organisations outside the Green Party.
We hold regular events with both internal party and external organisations, including a range of Jewish communal organisations.
Find out more about our activities: Jewish Green events
United against antisemitism
We provide a Jewish voice within the Green Party united against all forms of racism, including antisemitism, and in support of a welcoming, human rights-based approach to both policy and practice.
Learn more about our approach:
Summary (2 pages)
Full guidance (17 pages)
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
But if I am only for myself, who am I?
If not now, when?
Latest News
- Jewish and Muslim Perspectives on Environmental Stewardship and Climate Action
- Jewish Greens officers statement on the anniversary of the attacks on October 7th
- Jewish Greens High Holy Day message
- Jewish Greens AGM
- Jewish Greens at conference
Upcoming Events
- No upcoming events