Antisemitism training

Jewish Greens are pleased to offer antisemtism training. If your regional or local party is interested in this training please contact

AntiSemitism training (1)

Why have antisemitism training

We know that antisemitism is prevalent in society and as Greens we want to be best placed to fight it alongside all other forms of racism and hate. It is based on the guidance adopted by the party: Antisemitism a Guidance

What is the training

  • The training is designed and run with expert input to address how to recognise and call out antisemitic tropes.
  • It supports local parties, liberation groups and the wider membership to be allies to Jews in the party, the country and around the world.
  • It’s a safe space to ask questions and address misconceptions, or confusions.


  • It can be arranged whenever works for our trainer and your Green group.

Next steps

Get in touch with us on: Groups that have had the training include:
Green Party Executive Committee
Young Greens
Bristol Green Party
Brighton Green Party
Hackney Green Party
Kettering Green Party
York Green Party


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