Jewish Greens statement on Caroline Lucas stepping down as MP for Brighton Pavilion

Caroline Lucas MP

Jewish tradition teaches us to be sceptical of political movements tied to an individual leader and single personality. Three thousand years of striving for a better world has taught us that we are stewards who pass onto the next generation.When Rabbi Sacks articulated his vision of Jewish leadership, his second principle was that ‘no-one leads alone’, his fifth that ‘leaders must have faith in those that he/she leads’.

Caroline Lucas has been both steward and servant of a groundbreaking political movement whose time has come; time and time again she has proved to be indeed such an inspirational leader. In stepping aside firstly from formal party leadership and now as MP she has clearly demonstrated her faith in the wider party fulfilling the roles she took on so capably for over a decade.

Whilst being the most influential Green Party personality of her generation Caroline is also a steadfast and staunch ally and friend of the Jewish community. As Jewish Greens liberation group we have worked closely with Caroline to address issues concerning the Jewish community, and she was a key voice in understanding and ensuring the passage at Conference of our Guidance on Antisemitism. Jewish Greens applaud her leadership and look forward to continuing to work with her for decades to come.


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