Supporting Gypsy and Roma traveller community- the role of the Green Party

Together with Gypsy Roma and Travellers (4)

This was a fascinating event promoting a new policy developed by the Gpysy and Roma Traveller working group.

Baroness Jenny Jones of Moulescoomb, a Green peer and leading opponent within parliament against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act.

Virgil Bitu, from the GRT working group, is a Roma human rights campaigner and a key author of the new Green Party policy.

Mia Hasenson-Gross executive director of René Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights which has been showing solidarity with the GRT community against the assault from repeated governments for decades. Their work lay behind previous conference events featuring speakers from the GRT community: Rene Cassin website.

Tina McInerney is the Women’s Worker at the Traveller Movement, a campaigner against domestic violence, and member of the GRT Policy Working Group. Traveller movement Chair: Ria Patel
Ria is a Councillor for Fairfield, Croydon. They are the Equalities and Diversity Spokesperson for the Green Party of England and Wales, a board member on the Deyika Fund and the Liberation Officer for LGBTIQA+ Greens. They also attend GRT PWG meetings when they can!

Watch a clip here:

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