Jewish Greens had a typically frenetic conference with multiple new members and requests for our antisemitism training. We also saw multiple members address conference including our Treasurer, Zack Polanski. Membership Officer, Vivien Lichtenstein, was also elected to the Alterative Disputes Resolution Committee.
Alongside this we held our social and heard from Brighton Progressive Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber who spoke about the festival of Simchat Torah and the atrocious attacks on Israel by Hamas the day before, and how we Greens continue to work for a better future. Alongside some excellent cake and typically vigorous discussion.
Possibly most excitingly we were able to see the two motions Jewish Greens members agreed to support at our meeting last month become policy: D06 Promote Gypsy, Roma and Traveller representation in the Green Party and the B01 Gypsy Roma Traveller Policy Working Group Voting Paper.