Jewish Greens AGM 29th October 2023

Here’s a brief summary of our AGM which was held on Zoom on 29th October 2023. There were 20 people present. The full minutes will be published after approval by the new officers committee

1. Officers report for 2022-2023 (previously circulated to members):

The officers report was accepted, with thanks to the outgoing officers team.

2. Officer elections results:

The results of the officer elections were announced. The Jewish Greens Officers for 2023-2024 are:

Chair – Vivien Lichtenstein

Secretary – David Farbey

Treasurer – Zack Polanski

Policy Officer – Josh Alston

Officers without portfolio – Sam Alston, Jo Bird, and Elly Stanton

3. Motions:

Three motions were discussed: how to mark Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) in the Green Party; restricting office-holders and voting members to party members who identify as Jewish (in line with SOC guidance); and revisiting our position on social media (we currently have a Facebook page only). We agreed to mark HMD with a “survivors stories” event, and Sam Alston will lead on organising this. We agreed to amend our rules on who can be a voting member and who can stand for office in line with SOC guidance for liberation groups. We decided to postpone our discussion on social media presence to a later date.

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