Jewish Greens at conference

Jewish Greens completed out busiest conference.

In addition to our normal members meeting and Saturday night meal we held two speaker events. The first featuring Jewish Greens policy Officer Joshua Alston speaking on a panel about how to address fascism. There he drew lessons from his research area into the rise all fall of apartheid in South Africa. He talked about the importance of drawing together a broad coalition, working together on the ground in communities and not expecting the electoral commission or another large public body to come and save us.

The following day we held a joint event with Muslim Greens featuring Eco Synagogues Susan Fox from Eco Synagogue and Kamran Shezard Director of the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environment and Bahu Trust. We talked about the importance of faith as a mobilising factor in action and the importance of the Jewish tradition of stewardship.

Conference finished voting though a new policy on legal language the party should be using to describe Israel. Jewish Green members voted either side on the motion.

Interestingly, the sky news report on the conference decided to feature almost exclusively Green party members:

Joint session on faith and the environment with Muslim Greens.

Joint session on tackling the rise of the far right with Jewish Greens Policy Officer Joshua Alston, External communications Green party executive member Molly Scott Cato, Mothin Ali Councillor for Gipton and Harehills ward, Tom Scott Campaigns Coordinator for the Green Party of England and Wales.


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